Yoga Sculpt & Flow

Mobility ~ Control ~ Strength This hybrid yoga class can really make you break a sweat. Focusing more on getting a good full-body workout by building strength while flowing through traditional yoga poses. If you want more of a workout and less of the breathing exercises, this class is for you. Level 1-3 class

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Gentle Morning Hatha Yoga

In this Gentle Morning Yoga class, you can expect full body stretch to help you feel incredible mentally and physically. The stretches and movements in this class are perfect for releasing tension, improving focus and increasing flexibility and help enhance range of motion. This class is performed at a slower pace, with less intense positions, and usually includes extended time

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Slow Flow

Slow Flow classes  help you find the space, strength and stillness between poses while still retaining the rhythm of a flow yoga class and a connection to  breath with intention. Slow Flow classes have fewer transitions but longer sequences than Vinyasa yoga.  The basic components of a vinyasa class will be present – warm up, sun salutations, standing poses, inversions, back

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Restorative Yoga

Restorative Yoga is restful practice that holds yoga poses (2 to 6 poses) for a longer duration (3 to 15 minutes) with the use of props: bolsters, blankets, blocks and sometimes incorporating straps. It is a practice of deep relaxation that emphasizes the meditative aspect of yoga: the union of body and mind. Use of props for support and to

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Vinyasa 1

The word Vinyasa means the connection of breath to movement. Thus in Vinyasa yoga all movements are synchronized with the breath, creating a practice that is both dynamic and flowing. The asanas, or postures, are derived from the Ashtanga system. The difference between the two styles is that in Ashtanga yoga the practitioner performs the same asanas in the same

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Vin/Yin Blend

This “Yin-Yasa” practice is designed to bring balance to the two energies within the body – the feminine Yin and masculine Yang.  We’ll start with a quick warm up and then move into a level 1 vinyasa flow practice to heat the body.  For the second half of practice we will slow down and cool down, spending time in a

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