Journey Through the Chakras- “Sahasrara” Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra “ Sahasrara” For our last and final week on the chakras, we’ll be discussing the 7th chakra, the Crown, “ Sahasrara”, which is located right above the top of your head. As the final chakra in the system, it has a unique role in human spirituality, connection, and consciousness.  Your crown chakra represents your spiritual connection to

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Journey Through the Chakras- “Anahata” The Heart Chakra

This week we continue our journey through the chakras continuing with the 4th chakra, or  heart chakra.  The heart chakra is situated in the center of the chest at the height of the thymus gland (behind the sternum). In Sanskrit this chakra is called Anahata, meaning ‘infinite’, ‘unhurt’ or ‘boundless’. The heart is the bridge between the lower triangle (the root, sacral and solar plexus chakras) and

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Journey Through the Chakras- Svadhisthana or Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra “ Svadhisthana” This week we continue our journey through the chakras continuing with the 2nd chakra. This chakra is locate in the sacrum area, from just below your belly button to right above the base of your spine in the genital region. It is known as the dwelling place of the self and governs the aspects of

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