
“Civility does not…mean the mere outward gentleness of speech cultivated for the occasion, but an inborn gentleness and desire to do the opponent good”.  ~Mahatma Gandhi We know that words can carry a powerful punch and whether we like it or not, we are often affected by the words of others and others are affected by our words. In essence,

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Making Time For Yoga

As a yoga teacher, when I start to move into the space of teaching I always take a moment and honor the students for making time for their practice, either verbally or silently.  I know it’s not always easy to get to class!  Sometimes we allow our busy lives – with the commitments we make and the responsibilities we take

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“Enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It’s seeing through the facade of pretence. It’s the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.”  – Adyashanti The path of Yoga is no different, it is believed to be a path by many that

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The moment we become open, either in the mind or the heart, the world around us takes on a different form. As I chatted with one of my dear friends recently, we spoke of what it was that we received while being in each other’s presence. There was a force of an open mind meeting the force of an open

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The sound of our own voice can be something that we don’t really like the sound of, like when you record it and replay it, the sound that we hear is not the sound we hear from within. Why is it that we don’t like this outer voice? Our relationship with our voice can be insightful when it comes to

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Know Your Truth

Today, I’m calling in Love, for the sake of discovering the Truth within this life and to see clearly where I stand in this world.  As I’m seeing in my experience old fears trying to hold me back, I have been diving deeper, looking into this at a collective level, understanding that we are all feeling similar in some kind

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Beginnings and endings are moments that are creating fullness for our experience in life. We are constantly expanding and retracting, learning deeper layers of our own life. The awareness of these moments support us in opening and closing ourselves on and off our yoga matt. Within each and every single moment of life there is the beginning and ending which

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More Than My Body…

“I have a body and I am more than my body. I have emotions and I am more than my emotions. I have a mind and I am more than my mind. I am a center of pure consciousness and energy.”  -Kabbalah  I found this quote to be speaking a lot about what’s present in my life right now. Each

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Living in Service

The teaching of Seva has been bittersweet, as my 7 months of practicing in a contained space has now come to an end. Seva is the sanskrit word for selfless service, a practice of not attaching to the results or outcome of actions. There are many ways to try to understand what it means to be in a state of

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What is between you and love?

There is a beautiful metaphor about the mother and child relationship that has been presented to me in many different shapes and forms recently. The mother is the care taker and support system while the child is pure and transparent. The mother is committed to talking care of the baby, supporting the baby in every moment humanly possible. The baby

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