Spotlight on Limb 6: Dharana
Today we will talk about Limb 6 – dharana, or concentration. Recall that the last limb discussed (Limb 5) was pratyahara, or withdrawing the senses from the outside world and bringing them toward the internal world. In a way, Limb 5 marks the transition from the physical world to the inner spiritual world. Limb 6 continues that path toward inner stillness. Once the senses have been withdrawn from the outside world, the mind is now free to begin the process of dharana, or concentration, on a particular point of focus.
Dharana occurs during any activity in which you maintain a singular focus of concentration, without your mind wandering to other things. In yoga class, it may mean fully focusing on the pose at hand, while carefully monitoring your breath and allowing it to guide the flow and depth of your movements. In your home, it may mean really being present during quality time time with a friend, partner, or child, making a point to focus on the conversation without creating the next day’s to-do list in the back of your mind. In your work/career, it may mean resolving to be engaged with the task at hand without being distracted by playing with your phone. Whatever it is that you’re doing, dharana is the practice of focusing your attention to one point.
Dharana, in turn, prepares us for Limb 7 – dhyana, or meditation, which will be discussed in the next blog post. Stay tuned!