No Small Love

“As it has been said: Love and a cough cannot be concealed. Even a small cough. Even a small love.” -Anne Sexton Imagine: You’re in a quiet room full of people – maybe a work meeting, maybe a church service – and only one person is talking.  The leader of the meeting is discussing a very serious topic, one that

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Competing on the Mat and Beyond

“A flower does not think of competing [with] the flower next to it. It just blooms.”  -Zen Shin It’s Saturday morning, and you’ve had a long week.  You want to sleep in, but you decide to go to a yoga class instead.  You roll out your mat in the middle of the room, feeling pretty proud of yourself for making

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Back to Childhood

“I sit before flowers hoping they will train me in the art of opening up I stand on mountain tops believing that avalanches will teach me to let go I know nothing but I am here to learn.” -Shane Koyczan What is it about adulthood that makes us terrified of: 1. Saying “I don’t know” 2. Asking for help

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A Healthy Respect

“Is ‘fat’ really the worst thing a human being can be?  Is ‘fat’ worse than ‘vindictive’, ‘jealous’, ‘shallow’, ‘vain’, ‘boring’ or ‘cruel’?  Not to me.” -J.K. Rowling Our bodies are pretty interesting.  They are comprised of trillions, no seriously, TRILLIONS of cells (that’s a 1 with twelve 0’s, mind you. TWELVE!).  Every cell is responsible for carrying out some sort

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Why Meditate?

If you’re interested in health and wellness, you can’t go too far in your day without reading some article about how meditation can improve mental health outcomes, productivity, relationships, and perhaps even change the way our brains function.  Some people eagerly try meditation, while others avoid it like the plague.  Inevitably, most people find it to be more than a little challenging

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Good Reads for the Yogi and Beyond!

Hi all! Is anyone looking for a new book to read – maybe related to yoga, mindfulness, meditation, coping with emotions, healthy eating/living, cultivating character, and profiles of people who showed courage in the face of difficult circumstances? If the answer is no – may I suggest “Gone Girl” by Gillian Flynn – great fiction read that is totally unrelated

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“The Guest House”

Below is a poem by Jalaluddin Rumi (can’t you tell that we love him around here?!) entitled “The Guest House.”  This poem beautifully describes the wisdom and resilience of mind that many of us hope to cultivate through our yoga practice and in our lives.  Please enjoy! THE GUEST HOUSE This being human is a guest house. Every morning a

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Balance in the Extremes

“Your hand opens and closes and opens and closes. If it were always a fist or always stretched open, you would be paralyzed. Your deepest presence is in every small contracting and expanding, the two as beautifully balanced and coordinated as bird wings.”  -Jalaluddin Rumi Many people start practicing yoga to find balance in their lives.  Maybe they are burnt

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Clearing out the Clutter

“Yoga is about clearing away whatever is in us that prevents our living in the most full and whole way.”  -Cybele Tomlinson Have you ever looked around your living space and been so overwhelmed by how much stuff is lying around? If you’re one of those disciplined people who doesn’t accumulate clutter, or better yet, if clutter simply does not bother

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The Magic Word

If you’ve ever been to a yoga class, chances are you’ve heard instructors and students say the word “Namaste,” particularly at the end of a class.  Namaste is a powerful word indeed.  In Hindi, it roughly translates to “the divine in me bows to the divine in you.” Now, we may not always feel so divine.  In fact, some days we

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