Trust through the Messes

Surrender to Grace.
The ocean cares for each wave until it reaches the shore.
You are given more help than you will ever know.


The inopportune events that happen in our lives are there to teach us, care for us, mature us.  They are not there to hold us back.  They are there to re-direct us to a better place.  When the entire world seems upside down, when you feel like everything you value in life is unraveling, remember that these events, too, are gifts.

In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.” -Carl Jung

Of course, in the midst of it all, these ideas just seem plain wrong.  How could something tragic or nerve-wracking or terrifying or heart-breaking have any semblance of good within it?

There are no easy answers to this.  The event itself may not be good, but the experience prepares us for something important to come.

“You never know what worse luck your bad luck has saved you from.” -Cormac McCarthy

We have to trust that life brings us exactly what we need when we need it.  At all times, pleasurable and painful, we are being cared for by something beyond our comprehension, something that wants to teach us how to become more genuine and strong, so that we can show up in the world the way we were meant to show up.
