Clearing out the Clutter

“Yoga is about clearing away whatever is in us that prevents our living in the most full and whole way.”  -Cybele Tomlinson Have you ever looked around your living space and been so overwhelmed by how much stuff is lying around? If you’re one of those disciplined people who doesn’t accumulate clutter, or better yet, if clutter simply does not bother

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The Magic Word

If you’ve ever been to a yoga class, chances are you’ve heard instructors and students say the word “Namaste,” particularly at the end of a class.  Namaste is a powerful word indeed.  In Hindi, it roughly translates to “the divine in me bows to the divine in you.” Now, we may not always feel so divine.  In fact, some days we

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Welcome to the Key Largo Yoga blog! Thank you for checking out our ongoing conversation about what it’s like to take yoga off the mat and into the world. It’s not always an easy or pretty process (and it’s definitely not perfect)…but we still think it’s worth trying! We’d love to hear about your experiences too – feel free to

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