Journey Through the Chakras- “Sahasrara” Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra “ Sahasrara” For our last and final week on the chakras, we’ll be discussing the 7th chakra, the Crown, “ Sahasrara”, which is located right above the top of your head. As the final chakra in the system, it has a unique role in human spirituality, connection, and consciousness.  Your crown chakra represents your spiritual connection to

Journey Through the Chakras “Vishuddha” Throat Chakra

Hi everyone! Thanks for sticking around and continuing the journey through the chakras with us. We’re up to the fifth chakra! Now, we’ve moved into the upper three chakras, which are the most spiritual of the seven. The throat chakra is the chakra of spiritual rebirth and is the bridge from the lower, physical chakras to the higher spiritual/mental ones.

Journey Through the Chakras- “Ajna” 3 rd Eye Chakra

The 3 rd Eye Chakra “ Ajna” Welcome to week 6 of our journal through the chakras. This week we’ll be focused on the third eye chakra, or Ajna chakra in Sanskrit, which is known as “the seat of intuition.” Translations of the Sanskrit name include, “perceive,” “beyond wisdom,” and “command.” Located in the center of the forehead, it acts as

Journey Through the Chakras- “Anahata” The Heart Chakra

This week we continue our journey through the chakras continuing with the 4th chakra, or  heart chakra.  The heart chakra is situated in the center of the chest at the height of the thymus gland (behind the sternum). In Sanskrit this chakra is called Anahata, meaning ‘infinite’, ‘unhurt’ or ‘boundless’. The heart is the bridge between the lower triangle (the root, sacral and solar plexus chakras) and

Journey through the chakras with the 3rd chakra, the solar plexus or “Manipura

This week we are continuing our journey through the chakras with the 3rd chakra, the solar plexus or “Manipura”. This chakra is located around your navel in the center of your belly, and is known as the seat of your personal power, or internal fire, “Agni”.  It develops during the ages of 15-21 as we grow and develop our identities

Journey Through the Chakras- Svadhisthana or Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra “ Svadhisthana” This week we continue our journey through the chakras continuing with the 2nd chakra. This chakra is locate in the sacrum area, from just below your belly button to right above the base of your spine in the genital region. It is known as the dwelling place of the self and governs the aspects of

Journey Through The Chakras: The First Chakra, “Muladhara” or Root

Whether you’re new to yoga or have been practicing for a while, you may have heard people mention the chakras.  So, in this week’s blog, we wanted to give you a bit of a background on what the chakras are, and go a bit deeper into the first chakra, the root chakra, where everything begins. And in the weeks that

God laughs when you’re busy making plans…

At least that’s what my grandmother used to say to me, and its something I’ve had to remind myself over and over again the past year.  How many times have we tried to plan or control an outcome, only to have things go sideways?  Plans cancelled and interrupted, coffee spills on a new shirt, broken hearts, hurt feelings, flat tires

Strength and Softness: A Mother’s Day Reflection

As I was preparing for my class this last Sunday, Mother’s Day here in the US, I did my usual meditation, and Durga, the Hindu deity, known as both the warrior goddess and universal mother, was drawn to my attention.  I thought about the statue I have of her, and the objects she holds in her eight hands. At once

Finding Stillness in A Storm

Have you ever wondered why its so hard to be still, to be quiet, to be really left alone with our thoughts?  I know I sure have. How can this be so hard? I’ve been a go-go-go person for as long as I can remember, filling every day and every space with things to do and learn and people and