Vinyasa 1-3

The word Vinyasa means the connection of breath to movement. Thus in Vinyasa yoga all movements are synchronized with the breath, creating a practice that is both dynamic and flowing. The asanas, or postures, are derived from the Ashtanga system. The difference between the two styles is that in Ashtanga yoga the practitioner performs the same asanas in the same sequence every time, while in Vinyasa yoga one has more freedom to improvise sequences of asanas. The basic components of a vinyasa class will be present – warm up, sun salutations, standing poses, inversions, back bends, forward folds, and a well-deserved savasana.
This is a moderate to fast-paced class combining vinyasa flow with high intensity movement and music, and will provide you with a rigorous practice if you chose to find the fullest expression of each pose. Perfect for men and women seeking a challenging and invigorating workout, excellent cross training for strength, endurance and flexibility. This is an ALL levels class so students will often be offered the opportunity to stay in a modified version of the pose and to work where they are. There will always be modifications offered as well as more advanced poses. PLEASE feel free to attend and just listen to your body!
Temperature: Very Warm
Level: Intermediate to Advanced